
Here you can find some of the side projects I built in my spare time over the last few years, as well as a short selection of my favorite deep dive blog posts.


The static site generator that powers this blog. (written in Go)


A command line tool for tracking calories. (written in Go)


An async, synchronized database-backed Rust job scheduler to, for example, schedule and run cron jobs within a cluster of nodes. (written in Rust)


RabbitMQ support for the mobc connection pool. (written in Rust)

Basic non-blocking IO using epoll in Rust

A simple implementation of the basics underlying non-blocking IO on Linux using the epoll system call in Rust.

Basic Reactor and Executor for non-blocking IO in Rust

A basic reactor/executor implementation of a non-blocking IO system in Rust based on the epoll-based implementation mentioned above.

Leverage Rust and wgpu for effective cross-platform graphics

An in-depth tutorial on how to build a simple GUI from triangles rendered via the GPU using wgpu in Rust.

Using CRDTs to build collaborative Rust web applications

A tutorial on how to build a collaborative web application leveraging CRDTs (conflict-free replicated data types) in Rust.

libp2p tutorial: Build a peer-to-peer app in Rust

A tutorial on how to build a simple peer-to-peer app in Rust using libp2p.

Full-stack Rust: A complete tutorial with examples

A tutorial on how to build a full-stack web application (backend and frontend) purely using Rust.