Database Migrations with a Rust Web Service
In this post we’ll take a look at how to do database migrations using the refinery library in the context of a web application.
For the web application, we’ll use warp and as a database we’ll use postgres.
The scenarios we’ll cover in this post are adding a table, adding a field and creating and migrating some data.
First, let’s spin up a basic warp server with a health endpoint:
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Rejection>;
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
async fn main() {
run_migrations().await.expect("can run DB migrations: {}");
let health_route = warp::path!("health").and_then(health_handler);
let routes = health_route.with(warp::cors().allow_any_origin());
println!("Started server at localhost:8000");
warp::serve(routes).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 8000)).await;
async fn health_handler() -> Result<impl Reply> {
Alright, starting this will run a web server on port 8000 and we can check http://localhost:8000/health
to see if it’s up.
In order to configure refinery
, we need to use the embed_migrations
macro, telling the library where we store the sql migrations:
mod embedded {
use refinery::embed_migrations;
So far, so good. Next, we’ll add some database migrations in the migrations
// V1__initial.sql
name VARCHAR(255),
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT (now() at time zone 'utc'),
checked boolean DEFAULT false
// V2__add_checked_date.sql
ADD COLUMN checked_date timestamp with time zone;
In the first, initial migration, we add our todo
table and in the second one, we add a field called checked_date
, which indicates when a certain todo has been checked off the list.
Now, let’s see how to actually run these migrations on server startup:
async fn run_migrations() -> std::result::Result<(), Error> {
println!("Running DB migrations...");
let (mut client, con) = tokio_postgres::connect("host=localhost user=postgres", NoTls).await?;
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = con.await {
eprintln!("connection error: {}", e);
let migration_report = embedded::migrations::runner()
.run_async(&mut client)
for migration in migration_report.applied_migrations() {
"Migration Applied - Name: {}, Version: {}",,
println!("DB migrations finished!");
Since we use the async tokio-postgres
, we first create a connection with that. Then we run the migrations using the refinery
migrations runner and use the returned Report
to print information about the applied migrations, logging the migration name and version of each applied migration.
Let’s now try it with our migrations. First, the two mentioned above.
When we run the server using cargo run
, we get the following log output:
Running DB migrations...
Migration Applied - Name: initial, Version: 1
Migration Applied - Name: add_checked_date, Version: 2
DB migrations finished!
Nice, it seems to have worked. If we check the database, we’ll see our todo
table with a checked_date
field added to it.
Let’s add two more migrations. First, adding a few Todos:
// V3__add_data.sql
INSERT INTO todo (name) VALUES ('pet my cat');
INSERT INTO todo (name) VALUES ('pet my dog');
INSERT INTO todo (name) VALUES ('feed my pets');
… and a very simplistic data migration. We’ll just check off all the created Todos:
// V4__migrate_data.sql
UPDATE todo SET checked = true, checked_date = now();
And we run the server again:
Running DB migrations...
Migration Applied - Name: add_data, Version: 3
Migration Applied - Name: migrate_data, Version: 4
DB migrations finished!
If you check the database, you’ll see some todos in there now, which have already been checked off, showing us that it worked nicely. :)
The full example code can be found here
Automatic DB migrations are a very useful feature in services, where the database schema changes regularly and where it’s possible that complex migration operations are needed at some point.
The refinery
library provides everything you’d want and is very well documented, so it would currently be my first choice in this case. :)